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Event Berlin
11. April 2019, 9:00 – 12:30

Power Grid Planning and Operation with Growing Shares of Wind and Solar Electricity: Challenges and Solutions for Policy Makers

A deep-dive workshop for thought leaders and practitioners

Electricity generation from wind power and solar photovoltaic depends on the weather. In order to keep the system stable despite real-time variability, power demand must always match power supply. The grid is the key tool that we have at hands to guarantee system reliability and ensure cost-effectiveness of power systems.

However, operating the grid with increasing shares of variable, weather-dependent electricity poses some challenges. In fact, future grid operation requires different skills, new methods and - at least at higher shares of wind and solar electricity - new technologies.

Furthermore, new challenges in planning and operation arise not only from variability. Wind and solar resources are not always located where demand is, and generation becomes much more modular, moving away from the traditional pattern of large-scale thermal generation. A high share of vRES makes the coordination and connection of power generation and demand an increasingly complicated task for planners and operators.

In this workshop with around 50 participants from all over the world, we discussed challenges, experiences, and new approaches for safely and efficiently integrating wind and solar into power systems. Input was provided by experts from think tanks, a TSO and a network operation technology provider.


Power Grid Planning and Operation with Growing Shares of Wind and Solar Electricity: Challenges and Solutions for Policy Makers

Silent Green Kulturquartier (Kuppelhalle)
Gerichtstraße 35
13347 Berlin


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